"原子力規制委員会" の関連情報検索結果

NRC Certifies First U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design - Energy.gov

NRC Certifies First U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design  Energy.gov

NRA approves use of Japanese reactors beyond 60 years - World Nuclear News

NRA approves use of Japanese reactors beyond 60 years  World Nuclear News

Tsuruga nuclear reactor fails to gain approval for restart - The Japan Times

Tsuruga nuclear reactor fails to gain approval for restart  The Japan Times

Will Washington Halt the Global Renaissance of Nuclear Power? - Foreign Policy

Will Washington Halt the Global Renaissance of Nuclear Power?  Foreign Policy

Feds deny Oklo's application to build an advanced nuclear reactor in Idaho - CNBC

Feds deny Oklo's application to build an advanced nuclear reactor in Idaho  CNBC

NRA agrees that no active fault exists under Shika nuke plant - 朝日新聞デジタル

NRA agrees that no active fault exists under Shika nuke plant  朝日新聞デジタル

Japan nuclear safety agency orders power plant operator to study the impact of Jan. 1 quake - 朝...

Japan nuclear safety agency orders power plant operator to study the impact of Jan. 1 quake  朝日新聞デジタル

Koeberg operating licence extended for further 20 years - Eskom

Koeberg operating licence extended for further 20 years  Eskom

Big quake shook parts of Shika nuke plant above safety estimates - 朝日新聞デジタル

Big quake shook parts of Shika nuke plant above safety estimates  朝日新聞デジタル

Nuclear plant operator ordered to resubmit safety documents - 朝日新聞デジタル

Nuclear plant operator ordered to resubmit safety documents  朝日新聞デジタル

1月9日17時59分頃、新潟県で最大震度5弱の地震を観測 - The HEADLINE

1月9日17時59分頃、新潟県で最大震度5弱の地震を観測  The HEADLINE

5月19日6時56分頃、愛媛県で最大震度4の地震を観測 - The HEADLINE

5月19日6時56分頃、愛媛県で最大震度4の地震を観測  The HEADLINE

3月27日0時4分頃、岩手県・宮城県などで震度3以上の地震を観測 - The HEADLINE

3月27日0時4分頃、岩手県・宮城県などで震度3以上の地震を観測  The HEADLINE