"大統領令" の関連情報検索結果

入国制限の大統領令、安全保障の柱=トランプ米大統領 - Reuters.com

入国制限の大統領令、安全保障の柱=トランプ米大統領  Reuters.com

Your federal cybersecurity partners - Microsoft

Your federal cybersecurity partners  Microsoft

Biden AI exec order rolls out to applause, concerns of overreach - VentureBeat

Biden AI exec order rolls out to applause, concerns of overreach  VentureBeat

Executive Order on Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing - The White House

Executive Order on Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing  The White House

President Biden’s right to repair order needs strengthening to aid consumers - Brookings Institution

President Biden’s right to repair order needs strengthening to aid consumers  Brookings Institution

Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or ...

Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption  The American Presidency Project

Trump's new travel ban executive order removes Iraq from list of banned countries - CBS News

Trump's new travel ban executive order removes Iraq from list of banned countries  CBS News

White House Unveils ‘Sweeping’ AI Strategy As Biden Pushes For Transparency And Safety - Forbes

White House Unveils ‘Sweeping’ AI Strategy As Biden Pushes For Transparency And Safety  Forbes

Biden Signs Sweeping Executive Order Regulating Artificial Intelligence - Bloomberg

Biden Signs Sweeping Executive Order Regulating Artificial Intelligence  Bloomberg

US Could Consider Protections for ‘Climate Refugees’ - VOA Learning English

US Could Consider Protections for ‘Climate Refugees’  VOA Learning English

Pres. Biden has signed 42 executive actions since his inauguration - ABC7 Los Angeles

Pres. Biden has signed 42 executive actions since his inauguration  ABC7 Los Angeles

South Dakota governor signs executive order banning boycotts of Israel - JNS.org

South Dakota governor signs executive order banning boycotts of Israel  JNS.org

Every single executive order and action Trump signed in his 4 years as president - Business Insider

Every single executive order and action Trump signed in his 4 years as president  Business Insider

What Trump has done so far and what it all means - CNN

What Trump has done so far and what it all means  CNN

Lunch and Learn - Immigration Law Update: What Japanese Companies Need to Know - Barnes & Thornburg

Lunch and Learn - Immigration Law Update: What Japanese Companies Need to Know  Barnes & Thornburg

U.S. launches probes as Trump bans hoarding, price gouging to combat coronavirus - Reuters.com

U.S. launches probes as Trump bans hoarding, price gouging to combat coronavirus  Reuters.com

Govt bans e-cigarettes, will stop all production, sale: Nirmala Sitharaman - India Today

Govt bans e-cigarettes, will stop all production, sale: Nirmala Sitharaman  India Today

フランス科学者でホーミー研究者が国家「友情」メダルを受賞 - Montsame

フランス科学者でホーミー研究者が国家「友情」メダルを受賞  Montsame

対中ハイテク投資規制、米は「慎重に検討」を 中国貿易団体要請 - Reuters.com

対中ハイテク投資規制、米は「慎重に検討」を 中国貿易団体要請  Reuters.com

米俳優S・セガールさんにパスポート手渡す、プーチン大統領 - Reuters.com

米俳優S・セガールさんにパスポート手渡す、プーチン大統領  Reuters.com

フレルスフ首相、 独「ジンギスカン」を迎え - Montsame

フレルスフ首相、 独「ジンギスカン」を迎え  Montsame