"政府関係者" の関連情報検索結果

Israel assures US it won’t strike Iranian nuclear or oil sites, US officials say - Arab News

Israel assures US it won’t strike Iranian nuclear or oil sites, US officials say  Arab News

「国庫は空っぽ」シリア暫定政権、多難の船出 米政府に制裁解除を求める意向(字幕・12日) - Reuters

「国庫は空っぽ」シリア暫定政権、多難の船出 米政府に制裁解除を求める意向(字幕・12日)  Reuters

The US failed to track more than $1 billion in military gear given Ukraine, Pentagon watchdog say...

The US failed to track more than $1 billion in military gear given Ukraine, Pentagon watchdog says  The Associated Press

Pyongyang’s fiery space-race failure cold comfort as more launches expected - The Japan Times

Pyongyang’s fiery space-race failure cold comfort as more launches expected  The Japan Times

Sherpa carries Malaysian climber to safety in 'very rare' high-altitude Everest rescue - CBC News

Sherpa carries Malaysian climber to safety in 'very rare' high-altitude Everest rescue  CBC News

Protester sets self on fire in apparent 'political protest' outside Israeli Consulate office in A...

Protester sets self on fire in apparent 'political protest' outside Israeli Consulate office in Atlanta  ABC News

Multi-Sectoral Dialogue ahead of TICAD8 discusses emerging priorities and challenges in Africa - ...

Multi-Sectoral Dialogue ahead of TICAD8 discusses emerging priorities and challenges in Africa  UNDP

Trump administration launches review of drone export regulations - Defense News

Trump administration launches review of drone export regulations  Defense News

Did the FBI Bury Oklahoma City Bombing Evidence? - Mother Jones

Did the FBI Bury Oklahoma City Bombing Evidence?  Mother Jones

If The Government Is Serious, India Can Have A Hyperloop In 38 Months: Bibop Gresta - Forbes India

If The Government Is Serious, India Can Have A Hyperloop In 38 Months: Bibop Gresta  Forbes India

BRICS meet with 'friends' seeking closer ties amid push to expand bloc - Reuters

BRICS meet with 'friends' seeking closer ties amid push to expand bloc  Reuters

ウズベキスタン:新大統領の1年、変化への淡い希望 - Human Rights Watch

ウズベキスタン:新大統領の1年、変化への淡い希望  Human Rights Watch

米大統領、ロシア巡り午前11時から大西洋各国首脳と電話会談 - Reuters

米大統領、ロシア巡り午前11時から大西洋各国首脳と電話会談  Reuters

COALMONGOLIA-2017、モンゴル石炭業界の躍進を図るフォーラムが開催 - Montsame

COALMONGOLIA-2017、モンゴル石炭業界の躍進を図るフォーラムが開催  Montsame

トルコ:トルコ史上最悪の炭鉱事故で裁判が始まる - Human Rights Watch

トルコ:トルコ史上最悪の炭鉱事故で裁判が始まる  Human Rights Watch

シリア反体制派、過去数年で最大規模の攻勢 北部要衝の大半を制圧 ロシア・政府軍は空爆で対抗(字幕・2...

シリア反体制派、過去数年で最大規模の攻勢 北部要衝の大半を制圧 ロシア・政府軍は空爆で対抗(字幕・2日)  Reuters