"芸術家" の関連情報検索結果

A glimpse into the misunderstood history of geisha - National Geographic

A glimpse into the misunderstood history of geisha  National Geographic

Horror Manga Author Kazuo Umezu Passes Away at 88 - Crunchyroll

Horror Manga Author Kazuo Umezu Passes Away at 88  Crunchyroll

Exclusive | Michael Rubin's white party invitations are by George Condo - Page Six

Exclusive | Michael Rubin's white party invitations are by George Condo  Page Six

丸の内ならではの“芸術の秋”!東京藝術大学の若手芸術家が贈る『藝大アーツイン丸の内 2024』 - marunou...

丸の内ならではの“芸術の秋”!東京藝術大学の若手芸術家が贈る『藝大アーツイン丸の内 2024』  marunouchi.com



A Timeline of the Elon Musk-Donald Trump Twitter Saga - PEOPLE

A Timeline of the Elon Musk-Donald Trump Twitter Saga  PEOPLE

The Blind Spot of Beyoncé’s 'Lion King' Soundtrack - The Atlantic

The Blind Spot of Beyoncé’s 'Lion King' Soundtrack  The Atlantic

Culture and arts organizations in Japan deepen understanding of the status of artists and culture...

Culture and arts organizations in Japan deepen understanding of the status of artists and culture professionals  UNESCO

Why Sotheby’s and Christie’s Don’t Operate Like Other Duopolies - Artsy

Why Sotheby’s and Christie’s Don’t Operate Like Other Duopolies  Artsy

L. Song Richardson Named Dean of UCI School of Law - The Rafu Shimpo

L. Song Richardson Named Dean of UCI School of Law  The Rafu Shimpo

Japanese udon noodles mascot character imitates Banksy by shredding itself in a painting - SoraNe...

Japanese udon noodles mascot character imitates Banksy by shredding itself in a painting  SoraNews24

[Video article] Feel the power of the passion of genius artist Taro Okamoto at the "Taro Okamoto ...

[Video article] Feel the power of the passion of genius artist Taro Okamoto at the "Taro Okamoto Memorial Hall"!  VISIT MINATO CITY

Artists from New Mexico - See Great Art

Artists from New Mexico  See Great Art

Debunking the myths surrounding Joseph Beuys - SWI swissinfo.ch in English

Debunking the myths surrounding Joseph Beuys  SWI swissinfo.ch in English

パリで覆面芸術家バンクシーの最近の壁画見つかる、移民がテーマ - Reuters

パリで覆面芸術家バンクシーの最近の壁画見つかる、移民がテーマ  Reuters

Where 8 Famous Artists Loved to Go on Vacation - Artsy

Where 8 Famous Artists Loved to Go on Vacation  Artsy

イスラエルの芸術家、ドレスや楽器を死海に沈め「塩の結晶」作品に - Reuters

イスラエルの芸術家、ドレスや楽器を死海に沈め「塩の結晶」作品に  Reuters

7 Apps for Artists and Art Lovers - Artsy

7 Apps for Artists and Art Lovers  Artsy

These Famous Artists Proved That Staying up Late Can Lead to Great Ideas - Artsy

These Famous Artists Proved That Staying up Late Can Lead to Great Ideas  Artsy

The Mysteries behind Caspar David Friedrich’s “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog” - Artsy

The Mysteries behind Caspar David Friedrich’s “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog”  Artsy

How Russian artists are coping with the war in Ukraine - SWI swissinfo.ch in English

How Russian artists are coping with the war in Ukraine  SWI swissinfo.ch in English

Lies, contradictions, and great art: Joseph Beuys at 100 - SWI swissinfo.ch in English

Lies, contradictions, and great art: Joseph Beuys at 100  SWI swissinfo.ch in English

薬きょうでプーチン氏肖像画、ウクライナの芸術家が描く - Reuters

薬きょうでプーチン氏肖像画、ウクライナの芸術家が描く  Reuters

'The right has no trouble speaking their rage': artist Barbara Kruger on America in crisis - The ...

'The right has no trouble speaking their rage': artist Barbara Kruger on America in crisis  The Guardian

Who’s afraid of Meret Oppenheim? - SWI swissinfo.ch in English

Who’s afraid of Meret Oppenheim?  SWI swissinfo.ch in English

艾未未氏、中国当局がパスポート返還 没収から4年 - Reuters

艾未未氏、中国当局がパスポート返還 没収から4年  Reuters

天安門事件から30年、「タンクマン」を台湾芸術家がバルーンで再現 - Reuters

天安門事件から30年、「タンクマン」を台湾芸術家がバルーンで再現  Reuters

Why Swiss celebrate children’s classic that’s not Heidi - SWI swissinfo.ch in English

Why Swiss celebrate children’s classic that’s not Heidi  SWI swissinfo.ch in English

英国で「ナイフの天使」像公開、没収された刃物10万本で製作 - Reuters

英国で「ナイフの天使」像公開、没収された刃物10万本で製作  Reuters

ルービック・キューブの「モナ・リザ」、パリのオークションに出展 - Reuters

ルービック・キューブの「モナ・リザ」、パリのオークションに出展  Reuters

金正恩氏の元恋人ら銃殺刑に、北朝鮮でポルノ制作=韓国紙 - Reuters

金正恩氏の元恋人ら銃殺刑に、北朝鮮でポルノ制作=韓国紙  Reuters

Jojiの最新MV『Your Man』公開! 待望のセカンドアルバムも9/25に並行リリース! - BUTTER - MUSIC MAGA...

Jojiの最新MV『Your Man』公開! 待望のセカンドアルバムも9/25に並行リリース!  BUTTER - MUSIC MAGAZINE

モンゴル縦文字競書大会 - Montsame

モンゴル縦文字競書大会  Montsame

Musician Tomoko Sauvage searches for freedom through sound - The Japan Times

Musician Tomoko Sauvage searches for freedom through sound  The Japan Times

モントリオールの東部フェスティバルに初参加 - Montsame

モントリオールの東部フェスティバルに初参加  Montsame

ビャンバ―舞踊家、グランプリを受賞 - Montsame

ビャンバ―舞踊家、グランプリを受賞  Montsame

Japan strikes again, turning great artists Van Gogh, da Vinci, and more into cute anime boys - De...

Japan strikes again, turning great artists Van Gogh, da Vinci, and more into cute anime boys  Destructoid

Zelda: Link’s Awakening Remake Introduces Tarin, Schule Donavitch, The Yama Desert, Animal Villag...

Zelda: Link’s Awakening Remake Introduces Tarin, Schule Donavitch, The Yama Desert, Animal Village &a...  NintendoSoup

Here’s A Look At Kirby Star Allies Concept Art For The Artist Ability - NintendoSoup

Here’s A Look At Kirby Star Allies Concept Art For The Artist Ability  NintendoSoup