"辺野古" の関連情報検索結果
Okinawa governor again sues Japan to halt building of Marine runway - Marine Corps Times
Okinawa governor again sues Japan to halt building of Marine runway Marine Corps Times
Selling the Henoko Base and the Future of Okinawa: Propaganda, Government Plans and ‘Development’...
Selling the Henoko Base and the Future of Okinawa: Propaganda, Government Plans and ‘Development’辺野古に基地を その売り込みと沖縄の未来 プロパガンダ、政府の計画、そして「開発」 The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
Critics of Japan Defense Policy Focus on Okinawa - VOA Asia
'Japan’s Marine Corps': The nation's first responders for remote island defense - The Japan Times
'Japan’s Marine Corps': The nation's first responders for remote island defense The Japan Times
U.S. base project in Okinawa now in 3rd year amid more uncertainty - 朝日新聞デジタル
U.S. base project in Okinawa now in 3rd year amid more uncertainty 朝日新聞デジタル
Okinawans rally around Lahaina - NHK WORLD
Okinawans rally around Lahaina NHK WORLD